Perihal dunia.

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Bosan berbasa basi, menutur ayat dengan diksi, menyusun ayat penuh rapi, haha kini aku kembali, ayuh kita mula lagi, untuk kesekian kali!

I stalked an old friend of mine's twitter. You read that right. I. Stalked. Dont tiru. Haa, so i stalked an old friend of mine's twitter yesterday, i just wanna see how is he doing now. Yes, a he. Again, you read that right. Bcos he im-ed me few days back, and i replied asking bout where to apply for my intern since he is in the same field as mine (i should not tell, but just to let your mind clear that if you have nothing important to talk with the other gender, dont cari pasal).

And since that day. Cerita 'kawan' ini kembali. Idky, but i feel awkward calling a guy a 'friend', thats why i put the ' ', bcos idk the appropriate word to call em. Cos yknow, i have lotsa boy friends back then during J time (this is nothing to be proud of, its just a disclaimer).

Kisah ini, sama seperti kiah yang lalunya. Cumanya, kisah yang lalunya lebih tragis. Tapi aku pasti amat yakin benar sahih percaya dengan kata-kata, "People that comes into your life is either a blessings or a lesson.". Dan dengan itu, aku jumpa titik ibrahnya.

So, what i saw is, we, human will tend to find things that we could do to fill up our free time. Aimless thing, that could fill up our boring, free, spendable time. 

We go to work during day time. We got back, and we got nothing to do. Esp, those who arent married yet.

Youre alone in your house. The house is empty. You, are, lonely! So what do you do? You find things to fill up the emptiness in you. You hang out, watch movies, go for dating, or lepak at mamak, or maybe, spend your whole night balik dr kerja, at the gym tryinna build up your body, but not your iman.

Our heart needs food. Good food. If we dont feed our hearts with something good, he/she will be hungry, and he/she will go out looking for food - bad food. Dia mcm situasi, youre lost in a jungle (bad bad place) and youre hungry to death, its like theres no way for you to have good nyumms food in there, so youre in darurat, and then you saw a frog (yewww), and then what you do? You have no choice but to eat that frog.

Same goes to our heart. If we dont provide our heart with Allah, he/she will automatically find something else to fill her/himself.

"(Diperintahkan dengan yang demikian kerana) Allah tidak sekali-kali menjadikan seseorang mempunyai dua hati dalam rongga dadanya..." [Al-Ahzab :4]

Ketahuilah, hati ini punya rongga. Yang perlu diisi dengan Allah sahaja.

Thats what i saw in him. My old friend. Sedih. Sedih bila bukan dia je sebenarnya yang terjebak dengan hidup tanpa tujuan ni, tapi raaaaamai lagi. Boleh kata 85% masyarakat Malaysia (amboi sukati bg percent).

And the saddest part is, they (my old friend that im talking right now and the previous one) know that they want akhirah, but they dont know how to find it, where to find it. Sad, but truth. Sebab risalah kita belum sampai ke telinga mereka. Memang sungguh mereka ini bukan tugas aku, tapi ini bukti kepada kurangnya amal para daie yang gagah berkata-kata di atas keyboard.

Moga Allah ampunkan.

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"Every soul shall have taste of death; In the end to us shall ye be brought back"

(Surah Al-'Ankabut : 57)

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